Wednesday, October 31, 2018


"Oh, look!" I said to Howard today, "This coupon in the paper is good for 50% off lunch for age 65 and over!" It was a fun Italian place where we loved their Fettuccine Alfredo.

"Let's eat there today!" I suggested, to which my agreeable husband consented. I carefully cut out the coupon and laid it down to use a little later when we went to town.

Ordering our food, I checked with the waitress that it was half-price. "With the coupon," she reminded me. Then realized I had left the coupon at home! I told the waitress that I had cut it out, but forgot to bring it, confident that it didn't matter, since the last time we were there, I had the coupon and it wasn't even used!

The kind waitress checked with the cashier and came back saying they were to staple the coupon onto the ticket! Well, we ate anyway, sharing the generous meal between us, as we usually did. It was still a bargain, and delicious.

Later a thought popped into my head. What if we had to have a ticket to get into Heaven and we didn't have one? What if we had carelessly disregarded our ticket and lost out? Kind of like the 5 foolish virgins in Matthew 25 who let their lamps go out and couldn't go to the wedding feast. Of course, Jesus has secured a place in Heaven for all who have believed on Him and lived for Him.

I was with Howard yesterday when a farm supply employee was helping him load animal feed into our van. He handed her one of the scripture cards he carries and I wondered what her reaction would be. She took the card and read it, then clasped it to her chest and said, "I'm going to keep this forever!" It read, "O taste and see that the Lord is good." Psalm 34:8. A taste that no restaurant meal could ever equal!

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