Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Weather Woes!

Ice again! Howard and I were going to town, but we could hardly make it to the car! Slipping and sliding, I held onto the hand rails of our walkway. We were  not on the sidewalk, but beside it when I noticed it was slick as glass. The grass wasn't much better,  looking deceptively safe, but inviting a possible fall on the slope!

Thankfully we got to the car, but the windshield was iced over and all the windows were coated with ice. The forecast  had  warned of freezing rain and snow, although the snow didn't materialize.

"The other car will warm up faster," Howard advised. So I sat in the van until I thought the Nissan was warmed up. Not! It was even colder! My determined husband scraped tirelessly at the icy windshield and windows, to no avail.

Just then we saw Adam, our grandson, approaching with a pitcher of warm water from the house. It helped a little, then the glass froze again.  Howard remembered he had bought some de-icer the other day, so Adam retrieved it and saved the day. We were finally able to get on the highway, which seemed to have been sanded, and with all the traffic, it was smooth sailing for a little while.

"Why are we stopping?" I queried a few minutes down the road. He was pulling over into a driveway of a closed business. The windshield was fogging up, but finally the defroster began to kick in and we were able to resume our ride to town,

While the roads were clear, we encountered slippery spots in the parking area where we would eat lunch. My thoughtful spouse let me out at the door, then parked and made his way gingerly to join me. It was a little past lunch time, but where there were usually plenty of people, we saw mostly empty tables and booths. Apparently, most were smart enough to stay home! (I found out later that the schools were closed due to weather.)

After picking up a few groceries, we were glad to head home on this frigid afternoon and so happy to be enclosed within the walls of a warm and welcoming house! The forecast is for possible freezing rain tonight, so I'm pretty sure we'll sit tight tomorrow!

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Put to the Test!

The results are in! Howard is not related to Sitting Bull as his family folklore led him to believe all his life! The DNA test he got for Christmas reveals that his ancestors were mostly (82%) from England, Wales, and Northwestern Europe!

I had read previously that Summers is an English name, so I wasn't too surprised.  Anyway, his genteel good looks just speak "English gentleman" to me! I think he is a little let down, though, with his dreams of being  Native American floating off into the sunset like a feathered headdress on the rider of a prairie pony!

Admittedly though, the kids may have thought Dad was on the "war path" at times when we were raising our family of six, and he had to step in with discipline and correction. They all turned out well and are the joy of our lives today, largely as a result of a strong father. 

The main thing, of course, is what the scripture says in Acts 17:26, "He has made from one blood every nation of men to live  on all the entire face of the earth, having appointed fixed times and the boundaries of their habitation,  that they should seek the Lord so that perhaps they might reach for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one  of us." 

Thank you, Heavenly Father!

The results are in! Howard is not related to Sitting Bull as he has believed all his life! The DNA test he got for Christmas shows he is mostly English

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Ice Capades

We finally left the house yesterday, after three days of confinement due to ice. Sure, the roads were clear, but we couldn't make it up the walk to the car. Howard finally recruited a handyman to come out and help with getting to the animals, clearing the walkway and spreading rock salt. After he left, we were ready to go somewhere.

We got up the steps only to face an expanse of ice to navigate in order to reach the car. (The van, our preferred vehicle, was isolated by ice far down in the yard.) Precarious steps nevertheless brought us to our magic carpet, the car. We felt liberated on the clear highway!

Deliberating where to eat lunch, we soon found ourselves enjoying being out in public eating tacos and burritos. Stopping at a convenience store on the way home, we accumulated what we needed, including bags of dog and cat food. Some of the small items kept slipping awkwardly side ways in the flimsy bags as I put them in the car.

When we got home, Howard edged as close as possible to our walkway down the steps, but we got out on to very slippery ice spots. Hanging onto the car doors, slipping and sliding in an awkward dance, we managed to get back in the car. The plastic bags I was carrying were tearing and breaking, the contents scattering on the ground!

Finally, Howard nosed the car as close as possible to some trees where leaves were covering the ground and iris blades were shooting up. This footing helped us reach the guard rails to hang on to and get safely inside the house!

Today was Sunday, so we drove the old car with the dented fender to church. Later, thawing made it possible to bring the van up to the garage. Actually it turned out to be a very nice day, with company for lunch and friends over later, not to mention a wonderful church service! N-ice!

Ice Capades!

We finally

Friday, February 8, 2019

Ground Hog Day

In a fit of cabin fever, Howard decided to move our van from its position parked in the front of the house. It still had ice on the roof and windshield, but he was determined to get it up the slope to the driveway. Making a U-turn beside the house, he tried to go forward, but it was too slick.

I looked out the window a few minutes later to find him marooned under a tree, just standing there with his cane. Apparently his footing was too slippery to move. Maybe I better go help him, I decided, and carefully worked my way toward him.

Almost there, I was sliding and couldn't stop, until I hit the ground! No worries, though, I got back up and gingerly helped hubby to the house. He said he was trying to position the vehicle to face the sun and clear the windshield! Lunch in the warm kitchen settled our nerves, after which we collapsed in front of the TV.

Refreshed and ready to go again, we decided to go to the mailbox and carefully made our way up the hill without incident. By then Howard felt empowered to go feed the animals. There appeared to be some thawing, so I stayed in the house watching him out the window. Almost to the barn, he stopped. What's this? I wondered. Then he slowly turned around and came toward the house.

"What happened?" I questioned when I went out to meet him.

"I couldn't go on. Too slick," he said, shaking his head. "Didn't you see the dog flip and bust his back on the ice?"

Well, the critters would have to wait till tomorrow to be fed, except for our dog, Jack, who had a hearty meal from our lunch left-overs. Ice was melting, so at least the tubs of water were available. A little later, our grandson took Howard to the store where he bought rock salt and canned dog food, since the bag of Gravy Train was stored in the barn. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!

The Ice Man Cometh!

"SNOW!" I wrote on Facebook after I had looked out the window in the middle of the night. Sure enough, when I awoke yesterday, everything was covered in white. But it wasn't snow, it was ice! Tiny pellets carpeted everything with nearly an inch of something between sleet and snow.

We were housebound for the day, except for getting out to feed the animals. Howard went out to start the riding lawn mower he uses for transportation to the barn, (it pulls a little wagon with supplies) but no amount of struggling succeeding in starting it. There was no choice but to walk down the slippery slope (literally!).

What if he fell? I asked myself. I had to go with him! Both bundled up in coats, gloves and scarves, we set out, he with his cane and me holding on to him. Thankfully we didn't fall down, although it was slick in spots! When we reached the chicken run, we were able to hold on to the heavy wire mesh that enclosed them.

I got a taste of his chores, watching him break the ice on the pigs' water tub, as well as on water for the goats and chickens. In the relative protection of the barn, we bucketed feed for cats, chickens, pigs and goats, and our dog Jack. Carrying the feed to the pens required my determined farmer to hold on to the fence with one hand and the bucket in the other. After gathering the eggs, we made it back to the house safely and thankfully.

The afternoon was quiet with snoring and dozing in front of the TV. Although I finished, folded and put away two loads of laundry and made a chicken stew, I was still restless and bored, wondering about the mail in the mailbox by the road. Finally, nothing doing but resolutely going for the mail and taking out the trash would satisfy.

Walking timorously and carefully up the hill (I dared not risk the icy walkway with its icy handrails), I stepped wherever possible on frozen leaves and grass atop the ice. Only slipping a little once, I deposited the trash and retrieved the mail and the newspaper! The sun is shining today and icicles are dripping, although it's still cold! It'snow joke!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Right Fit!

What was wrong with this pullover shirt I put on! It felt tight and the neck was uncomfortable. Turning the neckline, I saw a printed label on the fabric inside. I had it on backwards! It was so much more comfortable when I turned it around!

I was reminded of when our youngest child, Jamie, was little. He was learning to dress himself and refused help in putting on his shirt. He was upset and frustrated when he saw it was on inside out. He peeled it off, and it righted itself in the process. He smiled triumphantly when he saw it went on properly.

Do you ever feel wrong-side out? Or that things are just going backward in your day? Maybe you have felt like you got up on the wrong side of the bed! Sometimes we feel like that, but the Bible tells us to cast all our care upon Him, for He cares for us!

There is a chorus or old song we used to sing in church that goes like this: I tell you, the best thing I ever did do, Was to take off the old robe and put on the new! The old robe was dirty, all tattered and torn. The new robe was righteous and never been worn. So I tell you the best thing I ever did do, was to take off the old robe and put on the new!"

Isaiah 61:10 says, "I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, My soul shall be joyful in my God; For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels."

The best clothing of all!

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Word

I am really enjoying my One Year Bible that I got several weeks ago! It keeps me on track, and I am reading in much more depth than I would in just reading helter-skelter as usual. I'm constantly discovering details that were missed when I didn't have a regular reading plan. As I was looking up today's section, I couldn't help noticing the bulk of pages in my hand that I had read through!

A memory surfaced of when I was a little girl attending a Sunday School and I didn't have a Bible. We had a Bible at home that I struggled to read, but it was worn and brittle and hard to manage. I remember how I begged Mama to get me a Bible of my own. My family didn't go to church then, but my married sister saw that I got to church.

One night we happened to be in a Kress store, and I caught a glimpse of my Sunday School teacher. She smiled at me, but seemed in a hurry as if she were hiding something from me. Imagine my surprise and unbridled joy when the next day at church the kind teacher presented me with a New Testament all my own! Soon after, we moved to a different part of the state, where we were very happy, but had no church.

However, once a month at our country school we were visited by "The Good News Ladies" who gave the class a Bible lesson. They even arranged for a ride for those who wanted to go to church, which I and a couple of siblings did.

Not long after that, tragedy struck our home with the loss of a little brother. A pastor visited us and the church reached out to our family. We were part of that church for several years, growing in faith and knowledge of the Word. I met a teen boy there that I would marry years later. He would become a minister later in life, and now we have shelves of Bibles and I am enjoying my new favorite!