Friday, February 8, 2019

Ground Hog Day

In a fit of cabin fever, Howard decided to move our van from its position parked in the front of the house. It still had ice on the roof and windshield, but he was determined to get it up the slope to the driveway. Making a U-turn beside the house, he tried to go forward, but it was too slick.

I looked out the window a few minutes later to find him marooned under a tree, just standing there with his cane. Apparently his footing was too slippery to move. Maybe I better go help him, I decided, and carefully worked my way toward him.

Almost there, I was sliding and couldn't stop, until I hit the ground! No worries, though, I got back up and gingerly helped hubby to the house. He said he was trying to position the vehicle to face the sun and clear the windshield! Lunch in the warm kitchen settled our nerves, after which we collapsed in front of the TV.

Refreshed and ready to go again, we decided to go to the mailbox and carefully made our way up the hill without incident. By then Howard felt empowered to go feed the animals. There appeared to be some thawing, so I stayed in the house watching him out the window. Almost to the barn, he stopped. What's this? I wondered. Then he slowly turned around and came toward the house.

"What happened?" I questioned when I went out to meet him.

"I couldn't go on. Too slick," he said, shaking his head. "Didn't you see the dog flip and bust his back on the ice?"

Well, the critters would have to wait till tomorrow to be fed, except for our dog, Jack, who had a hearty meal from our lunch left-overs. Ice was melting, so at least the tubs of water were available. A little later, our grandson took Howard to the store where he bought rock salt and canned dog food, since the bag of Gravy Train was stored in the barn. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!

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