Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Word

I am really enjoying my One Year Bible that I got several weeks ago! It keeps me on track, and I am reading in much more depth than I would in just reading helter-skelter as usual. I'm constantly discovering details that were missed when I didn't have a regular reading plan. As I was looking up today's section, I couldn't help noticing the bulk of pages in my hand that I had read through!

A memory surfaced of when I was a little girl attending a Sunday School and I didn't have a Bible. We had a Bible at home that I struggled to read, but it was worn and brittle and hard to manage. I remember how I begged Mama to get me a Bible of my own. My family didn't go to church then, but my married sister saw that I got to church.

One night we happened to be in a Kress store, and I caught a glimpse of my Sunday School teacher. She smiled at me, but seemed in a hurry as if she were hiding something from me. Imagine my surprise and unbridled joy when the next day at church the kind teacher presented me with a New Testament all my own! Soon after, we moved to a different part of the state, where we were very happy, but had no church.

However, once a month at our country school we were visited by "The Good News Ladies" who gave the class a Bible lesson. They even arranged for a ride for those who wanted to go to church, which I and a couple of siblings did.

Not long after that, tragedy struck our home with the loss of a little brother. A pastor visited us and the church reached out to our family. We were part of that church for several years, growing in faith and knowledge of the Word. I met a teen boy there that I would marry years later. He would become a minister later in life, and now we have shelves of Bibles and I am enjoying my new favorite!

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