Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Weather Woes!

Ice again! Howard and I were going to town, but we could hardly make it to the car! Slipping and sliding, I held onto the hand rails of our walkway. We were  not on the sidewalk, but beside it when I noticed it was slick as glass. The grass wasn't much better,  looking deceptively safe, but inviting a possible fall on the slope!

Thankfully we got to the car, but the windshield was iced over and all the windows were coated with ice. The forecast  had  warned of freezing rain and snow, although the snow didn't materialize.

"The other car will warm up faster," Howard advised. So I sat in the van until I thought the Nissan was warmed up. Not! It was even colder! My determined husband scraped tirelessly at the icy windshield and windows, to no avail.

Just then we saw Adam, our grandson, approaching with a pitcher of warm water from the house. It helped a little, then the glass froze again.  Howard remembered he had bought some de-icer the other day, so Adam retrieved it and saved the day. We were finally able to get on the highway, which seemed to have been sanded, and with all the traffic, it was smooth sailing for a little while.

"Why are we stopping?" I queried a few minutes down the road. He was pulling over into a driveway of a closed business. The windshield was fogging up, but finally the defroster began to kick in and we were able to resume our ride to town,

While the roads were clear, we encountered slippery spots in the parking area where we would eat lunch. My thoughtful spouse let me out at the door, then parked and made his way gingerly to join me. It was a little past lunch time, but where there were usually plenty of people, we saw mostly empty tables and booths. Apparently, most were smart enough to stay home! (I found out later that the schools were closed due to weather.)

After picking up a few groceries, we were glad to head home on this frigid afternoon and so happy to be enclosed within the walls of a warm and welcoming house! The forecast is for possible freezing rain tonight, so I'm pretty sure we'll sit tight tomorrow!

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