Saturday, March 2, 2019

T-U-L-S-A, Straight Ahead:

Lights! Camera! Action!  Well, not quite, but that's the way it seemed last night as we attended a Jason Crabb concert! We had been forewarned that the music might be a little loud, but we weren't prepared for the sweeping, colored lights that bathed the arena of thousands!

We had come to the concert at the invitation of our grandson, Reid, who is part of Jason's team. Since Reid lives in Nashville, we took the rare opportunity of getting to see him, as well as looking forward to hearing this nationally-acclaimed, Dove Award and Grammy Award winning Christian artist.

Turns out there was a Christian Women's Convention there, scheduled to end at 9:00 p.m. Jason's concert would close their meeting. This gave us time to enjoy a wonderful dinner only 9 minutes away from this imposing, 11,000 plus-seat, multi-purpose arena, The Mabee Center, on the campus of Oral Roberts University.

Reid met us at the entrance and soon settled us in our seats where we would be comfortable some  distance from the platform.  The music became quite loud as beams of light swept over the crowd in the elevated rows of seats, adding to the heart-pounding rhythm of the drummer and guitarists' beat. People stood and applauded all around us, but I was still trying to make out the lyrics!

Soon the music became more mellow, as it was toned down  when Jason did more worshipful songs.  Across the auditorium the crowd rose with hands lifted in praise, especially when the singer shared personal testimonies and experiences of his family.

At the close of the concert, our thoughtful host, Reid, took us to meet the star of the show. Swarms of fans stood in line to have  CDs autographed by Jason. Not to worry, Reid put us at the head of the line to have his boss turn around  so he could introduce his Mimi and Pa Pa and cousin Adam, who had driven us to the event.

We left with souvenir t-shirts, hats, and a complimentary CD, and memories of a wonderful night, even though we didn't get to bed until past 1:00 a.m. !

more mellow as Jason segued into familiar songs interspersed with friendly, down home patter about faith and family, closing with a spirit-lifting message and worshipful praise music.

As the concert closed, masses of people formed into a long line to have CDs  or books autographed by Jason Crabb. Reid took us to the front of the line, where Jason would turn to meet us as Reid introduced his Mimi and Pa Pa, as well as our grandson, Adam, who  had chaffeured us to the event.

We rode home in a warm glow of memories of a great evening, even if we didn't get to bed until past 1:00 a.m.!

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