Friday, March 15, 2019

Spring Fever!

What a beautiful day to be outside! After the cold, bleak days of late, it felt so good to be in the sunshine today! Many other people felt that way, I could tell, as Walmart was quite busy.  In fact, we met friends going in the door, and going out the door!

Kids and little tykes were everywhere! I couldn't keep my eyes off the little ones when we stopped at MacDonald's.  They were so cute bundled in their wraps, a little over-sized but clumsily charming heading out the door with a harried mom.

Son  Trevor told me on the phone last night that the day after March 15 marks the beginning  of warm weather.  Here's hoping! Grandson Reid, who travels with singer Jason Crabb and entourage, was in the Asheville, NC area a few days ago and related how beautiful it is over there.

They were performing at The Cove, a Billy Graham chapel and retreat center, where many television episodes of the Gaither program were held. Reid was  excited to tell of meeting Will Graham, son of Franklin Graham  and the late Billy Graham's grandson, who also portrayed his grandfather in the movie, Unbroken.  (At Reid's next appointment, a new acquaintance was the governor of Mississippi!)

Our whole motive for going to Walmart was to buy a basketball! Son Greg had related a story to my husband about an older gentleman he met whose health and physique had declined, but after purchasing a basketball and bouncing it 1,000 times a day, he became strong and healthy again!  I'm waiting to hear the ball bounce!

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