Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Pantry Panic!

I bought a bag of lemons the other day, thinking of making my favorite pie--lemon meringue. (I do believe lemon is my favorite of all flavors!) The beautiful yellow orbs lingered in their bowl, and I almost forgot about the pie. At long last, I remembered to buy refrigerated pie crusts.  Then it hit me! I didn't have a recipe, and I didn't trust my memory for exact directions. All my cookbooks have been in storage since our move months ago.

I mentioned my plans to my daughter in Tennessee, and she recalled, "Oh, I remember how you taught Bethany (my grand) to make lemon meringue pies one summer!" True, I did, and we made lots of them, because a Mississippi neighbor had gifted me with a bushel basket full of lemons! Not just run-of-the-mill lemons, but lemons the size of grapefruit!

That didn't mean I didn't need directions now! Searching the internet, I was only successful in finding glowing promotions of sites one could join, great pics of pies, but no recipes! Complaining to my husband about it, I showed him the phone view of my dilemma. Surprise! A recipe came up for "Grandma's Lemon Pie." That would work, and so would I!

I wrote down all the ingredients, and was studying the process, when everything disappeared. I did the best I could, but the screen would not cooperate!  Plunging in, I got out the four eggs it called for, separated the whites for the meringue, and reviewed my list of ingredients. I mixed them up, probably not in the right order and cooked the filling  to the right consistency.

The meringue was perfect, and I was ready to pile it on, when I realized the crust needed to be  baked! Turning up the oven,  I trusted it was done, although a little pale. Nevertheless, the topping browned nicely when all was assembled, and I must say, it was the BEST lemon meringue pie I have ever tasted! Thank you from one grandmother (Mimi) to another! It was no lemon!

1 comment:

  1. I use the recipe from the cornstarch box! It is amazing!
