Saturday, April 4, 2020

Today's Thoughts

Running an errand to the nearby convenience store this morning, we donned our bandanna masks. No other shoppers seemed to be wearing any. When we wore the scarves a few days ago, the manager joked that he was afraid he was being robbed! Today, though, I was surprised to see he was wearing a bandanna mask himself!

The store aisles had undergone changes, too, with a taped-on X every six feet, complying with the  social-distancing rules.

A little later, we were relaxing on the porch in the beautiful, warm sunshine, Howard even bringing part of his lunch to eat outside. Meanwhile, I had been eyeing some kind of animal that was dashing furtively across the drive, then under a car, and waiting before it shot out again. I couldn't figure out what it was: bushy hair all over the low-slung torso, orange-brown coat, long tail, and quite large! I knew it wasn't a raccoon, easily identified by it's coloring and mask of it's own!

Turns out it was a ground-hog! I had never seen one, except in pictures where the ground-hog sees its shadow, or not, guaranteeing whether or not we would have six-more weeks of winter weather. It had come from a ditch beside a space that is used for a garden every year. Must have been looking for goodies that spring up in tilled soil!

Time goes slowly, staying home so much, and Howard was craving coffee and do-nuts from Dunkin' Do-nuts. To be safe, he inquired at the corner restaurant/filling station for curfew info. Turns out the curfew begins at 12:00 A.M. , so we indulged and enjoyed the ride to town and back, seeing couples walking and enjoying the balmy weather.

Tomorrow is church, which will be held outside with cars spaced as required.  We are so looking forward to the service and seeing friends, even from a distance, and worshiping on the Lord's day!

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