Monday, April 20, 2020

Things that go Bump in the Night

Was I dreaming? Coming back to wakefulness, I heard a muffled sound. Then, crash! What was that? I woke my sleeping husband so he could listen.  It must have been 2:00 in the morning, but we lay quietly listening for a long time.  Then we crept out of bed to see if anything was amiss.  Everything was in place, with no disturbance, so we went back to sleep.

This morning, I surmised it was probably a cat on the porch, maybe knocking over a feeding dish or jumping from a chair, making a noise. Anyway, we slept through, even getting up a little late.

Looking back, I thought about how the uncertainty of night can make us fearful. If a child gets sick, it is often in the night. Worries of this and that may seem insurmountable and can keep us awake. Recalling the song, "I Met the Master" which tells the story of a blind man who walked in darkness until he met the Master,  and, as the song says, "He walked no more in the night."

Yesterday had been a blessed day, with our Drive-In worship service, some social-distancing from other cars and listening to our pastor's message. The skies were iffy with dark clouds, but someone had thoughtfully erected a smart, blue canvas tent cover over posts on the truck platform to keep the preacher dry in case of rain, which thankfully, didn't happen.

Later, the sky became clear for our ride home as we traversed the picturesque, rolling roadway.  Cheered and refreshed by the church service and looking forward to the meal waiting in the Instant Pot, followed by phoning kids, we were walking in the Light!

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