Wednesday, April 8, 2020

A Day in the Life

Well, Howard and I wore our new masks to Walmart today. He had to get a prescription, and I needed Band-Aids. We were surprised that more people didn't wear the protective masks. Mostly employees, such as pharmacists and grocery checkers wore them, with occasional shoppers wearing  everything from a nose mask to a make-shift covering.

Wearing my reversible green/khaki mask, I was sitting on a bench waiting for Howard, when a man walked by and smilingly said something to me. Later, I realized he had said, "Did you make it yourself?"  Then as he  walked on he said, "I like it; it looks good!"

I didn't get the chance to tell him a thoughtful friend from Texas sent one for me, and one for Howard, too!

Placing the stretchy, comfortable Band-Aid around a scrape on my finger, I read on the box that washing your hands would not make the Band-Aid come off. It seems that this small strip of bandage has come a long way, since it's invention by a man named Earl Dickson, who worked as a cotton buyer for Johnson & Johnson many years ago.

Reading about the making of the Band-Aid, I learned that Mr. Dickson's wife was always cutting or burning her hands when she cooked. Her thoughtful, inventive husband experimented with various bandages, gauze squares, and other possibilities to help her. Finally, after much experimenting, he came up with one that pleased his wife very much. And I guess the rest is history!

Another reason we had ventured out to Walmart was because Howard had lost his cane. Somehow he left it somewhere, and today he bought a new one. The old one was a polished, wooden cane that he liked very much, but he was pleased with the adjustable, metal cane he got today. It really does fit him better than the one he lost. All's well that ends well!

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