Friday, April 3, 2020

God's World

Sitting outside on the porch in the late afternoon tranquility yesterday, Howard and I were entertained and amazed at the little creatures enjoying the sparkling grass and pleasant temperatures. Young goats were grazing lazily, pulling up mouthfuls of purple flowers on green stems, wandering as far as their tether allowed.

Our attention was caught by two brown rabbits merrily chasing each other back and forth across the yard and driveway. One might disappear for a while, soon to be discovered by the determined, flop-eared playmate. Over and over, they dashed in their play as if for our amusement.

Next, our eyes were captured and entertained by two robin redbreasts hopping along, the harbingers of spring obviously enjoying the cool evening and an occasional worm pulled from the earth.

"Oh, look!" I pointed out to my husband as the glowing sky was suddenly filled with scads of birds!  Not just any birds, and not eagles, which I first took them to be. They gracefully sailed and swooped, wings outspread and feathers caught in the evening sun, looking exactly like the white undercoat of eagles!

Shortly there filled a dome of the dashing fliers, some rising higher and higher, only to dive gracefully back until, by some unknown signal, they all disappeared, leaving us awestruck at nature's unexpected performance.

Soon dusk  and evening chill drove us back into the house, the kitchen warm and inviting, and the promise of supper a comforting thought. The worries and concerns of the day were erased for awhile at the joy of God's creation. He is still in control, despite what men may think, and at our best, we trust in Him!

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