Friday, April 24, 2020

It Won't be long Now!

"It won't be long now!" I remember reading this on a billboard advertising the opening of a new bank in the town where I grew up. A picture of a young girl holding a pair of scissors over one of her blonde braids was artistically displayed on the billboard, no doubt catching the eyes of those driving past who couldn't miss the message.

I was reminded of this when I read a text from my granddaughter, Sarah, the picture showing a handful of blonde hair which could only come from her 4-year-old daughter, Liannah. Yep, she had cut her hair in Sarah's absence while her mom was at the store, and daddy was not looking!

It almost seems like a rite of passage, since many kids get the scissors and start whacking when the urge strikes them. My granddaughter, Bethany, then 4 or 5, altered her bangs right before she was to be a flower girl in her aunt's wedding! Thankfully, her blonde curls helped camouflage her hair-do.

When asked why she scissored her bangs, her response was, "My hair was getting in my eyes, so I cut it, that's why!"

I remember when grandson Reid was about that age and cut his hair in front. In love with the magic of scissors, I realized he got carried away when I found slashes on garments in my clothes closet, and re-designed dust ruffles on my bed!

More recently, grandson Isaac, 3 at the time, found a thread on his sock, so he cut it off. When his dad asked him about it, and if he had also cut his hair. Isaac's response was, "Yes, but I didn't use a knife!"
Evidently, he had been cautioned about knives, so he chose something that would work both ways!

Kids!  Gotta love 'em, and what would we do without them!

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