Monday, March 2, 2020

Fortuitous Find!

Today Howard finally got to go see the donkeys! I stayed home and caught up on some chores, including doing laundry.  One load in the dryer kept making a metallic noise that thumped every few minutes. A metal button on a pair of my husband's jeans, I figured. Finally tired of the racket, I went to remove the offending noise-maker.

Then a thought struck me. Could it be? No, probably just a hopeful wish. Quickly I pulled out the contents of the dryer, though, and there it was! The lost car key! The one we'd been searching for for days! Apparently it was in the pocket of a pair of jeans!

It looked like the other key, but it had a metal tab snapped on it. Howard's key was like that, I remembered,  except for a short cloth tab. I lost no time in calling my spouse, who was obviously at the coffee and do-nut shop by now, judging from his muffled response.

"Do you have your car key with you?" I questioned, since he was riding with Steve, our son-in-law. I wanted to make sure the one from the dryer wasn't his regular key.

"Yes, why?" he answered over his do-nut.

"Because I think I found your lost car key in the dryer!" I exclaimed.

He about choked, then. He couldn't believe his ears! He laughed and thanked me over and over! Even exclaiming that he would bring me a do-nut!  Seriously, though, a replacement key would have been quite expensive, and we had searched for it for several days, calling lost and found at Walmart, checking with our local manager at our neighborhood store, and going through every pocket in the house. (Except for one at the bottom of the laundry hamper!)

"I prayed for that this morning!" my relived husband exclaimed when he got home. Yes, we had prayed for it many times, searching between the car seats, in door pockets and all over the car. Thank you, God, for the lost is found!

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