Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Road not Traveled

My! This road seems longer than ever, I thought as we traveled behind our granddaughter. I wondered if this were the right road! She was guiding us to a church she wanted to visit in a nearby city.   We had assumed it was relatively close, but it seemed that we would never get there.

At one point, the curvy road was surrounded by cliffs carved out of the mountains. It felt like I was at Turner Falls in Oklahoma, only scarier.

Finally we got to our destination where we met welcoming, friendly folks who showed us around. They were doing remodeling in the sanctuary and we were directed to the all-purpose building where services were being held. We loved the familiar music and songs and felt right at home.

After  the service, Sunday lunch at Cracker Barrel was just what we needed. Afterwards, it was smooth sailing and it seemed we were home in no time! Our hostess admitted she had missed an exit earlier, but it didn't matter since the ride home was uneventful and allowed us to enjoy the scenery!

Sometimes people get on the wrong path in life.  It may be fun or carefree for awhile, but ultimately rough spots come up, and it isn't so fun anymore. Life takes a turn for the worse  when mountain-size obstacles from wrong living loom in the way. Those thought of as friends may be friends no more.

But the Bible tells us  in Proverbs 18:24 that there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Who could  that be, but Jesus? Another scripture tells us, "In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your path." Proverbs 3:6.

Jesus walked a path for us as He carried his cross to His crucifixion. Let's stay on the right path!

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