Sunday, September 15, 2019


"Why is it so late getting daylight?" I wondered aloud waking up  this morning. "Must be cloudy," I thought. Then I looked out the door to see a heavy fog! Oh, no! That meant treacherous driving to church if it didn't clear up. These curvy mountain roads dip low where the fog could settle in the valleys! I hoped it wouldn't keep us from church!

We attend the second service, so what seemed against our better judgement, we got ready and headed out. Surprisingly, it didn't seem bad so far! Then we got to a dip where a sign at the top of a deep ravine  read: Enter at your own risk. Flooding possible.

Suddenly the valley was flooded, not with water, but with sunshine! The fog dissipated, and our spirits lifted at the sight of a beautiful day! I thought we were running late, but when we drove into the church parking area I looked at the time, which read 10:45! The exact time  the service  would begin! Praise God! We made it!

It occurred to me that sometimes we get into a fog, spiritually and mentally. All we can perceive is gray, colorless circumstances and dullness. We can visualize that this or that will go wrong and nothing will turn out right.

This morning the pastor's message dealt with David's predicament when, while he was in a battle, the wives and children of his entourage were kidnapped and taken away. His loyal men were so grieved that they threatened to stone David. 

Samuel 30:6, "David was greatly distressed, for the people talked of stoning him, because all the people were bitter in spirit, each over his sons and daughters. But David encouraged himself in the Lord his God."  The scripture goes on to say that all was recovered!

If and when a fog of mind from the enemy attacks you, remember David, and encourage yourself in the Lord!

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