Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Surprise Gift!

A few days ago, my eldest granddaughter announced unexpectedly, "Mimi, I'm going to clean your  house!" Really? That sounded wonderful to me, although I thought it looked all right. Then one morning she showed up with her paraphernalia of cleaning supplies.

Soon Bethany's feather duster was efficiently flying over furniture, books and window sills. In between tasks, we chatted and visited, then she would disappear with a mop or broom as I was dispatched to another room to relax.

When I returned to the kitchen later, everything was sparking clean. Counters and stove top were gleaming, as was my smile!

Next, she tackled the bathroom where the fixtures got the polishing of their life! Finally, after vacuuming all the rooms and hall, the industrious young lady sat down for a rest.

Later, I thought about how Jesus wants to clean our house. We may think that the dusty corners of prayer neglect would be overlooked.  But the cobwebs of lazy thinking and reasoning need to be cleared out.

We need the fresh breath of the Holy Spirit to blow through our messy mind-set and straighten up our attitudes and understanding of His Word!

Gossip that we may entertain is like dirt on the kitchen floor; it needs to be swept out and washed clean!

Finally, we need a cleansing bath in the shower of God's love and forgiveness in the privacy of prayer and re-dedication. Our earthly "house" will feel much lighter!

Thank you, Bethany!

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