Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Heartthoughts: The Box Saver

Birthdays tend to slip up on me, with as many grandchildren as we have. I had settled on a small gift for Maddie, the birthday girl, turning 9 in a few days, also planning to tuck something in the birthday card. But I needed a box, and it had to be mailed today!

When we moved recently, any and all boxes I had stowed away for such purposes had been discarded. I didn't have my stash, and I didn't want to go to town to buy a box. I mentally calculated the size I would need. Let's see, at least 3 or 4 inches deep, so as not to crush the contents, and fairly wide to accommodate the gift.

Having used boxes for drawer dividers before, I thought about looking in our bureaus, although I didn't recall any dividers recently. Looking in my husband's dresser was fruitless, since he had re-arranged everything to his liking after our move. Oh well, I would search in my things, as a last resort.

Wait! What's this? I discovered a box in my drawer beneath a pile of socks! I pulled it out, and realized it was perfect! It was even decorative and pretty! If only I had the lid. Just then I felt a stiff edge under my hand. The lid! The glossy green surface had something stylishly printed in one corner. MADELINE, I read! It even had her name on it! (Although she spells it Madeleine.) Thank you, Lord!

I felt the warm assurance that God meets our smallest needs and desires! I felt buoyed all morning! My lighthearted mood was still with me a little later as I waited in the car while Howard went into the bank for a crisp, new addition for the birthday envelope. Just then I was delighted at the sight of a baby deer bounding down the slope toward a stand of trees bordering a stream!

A little later at a lunch diner, I heard a sweet, high-pitched voice of a curly-haired moppet in the next booth. When she turned around, I was melted by the darling, smiling face of a two-year-old girl. All this, and mailing the package, too! It was a very good day!

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