Friday, August 2, 2013


"It's a good thing we're not on Candid Camera," my husband quipped. We were having lunch at Olive Garden, and I did not like the soup I had ordered, so he traded with me. He did not like my soup either, so after a few bites, I pushed his bowl across the table to him. The waiter came by asking if we needed anything, and I explained about the soup.

"I don't like that kind, either," he admitted. "My favorite is the chicken soup. Would you like me to bring you a sample?" I agreed, but that didn't taste great, either, so I gave it to Howard in return for the rest of his potato soup. It was spicy, but at least I could taste it. He loved the sample and said he was going to order it next time.

We had come to Stillwater to shop for some room-darkening panels for our bedroom windows, since the early-morning light wakes us too early, and a neighbor's yard light keeps us awake at night. I had looked at several with the packages showing one panel 40" x 84" for a high price. Suddenly I saw one containing two panels with 80" x 84" on the package for less money. What a bargain! (It wasn't until later I realized it meant that was the size for both panels combined!)

We had recently returned to our room after sleeping in the guest room because I like that mattress better, but after seeing my spouse's feet extending through the spindles of the footboard, I thought better of it. The purchase of a memory foam pad for our bed solved the problem, except for the intrusive light, which we managed to fix with the panels.

Just as we got ready for bed last night, a pesky fly flew into the room, the same one that had been eluding me in the kitchen, I think. "Would you get the fly swatter?" I asked my husband. "It's on the back of the kitchen door." He was gone for awhile, then came in the room carrying a flashlight.

"You couldn't find it?" I said, to which he replied, "Yes, but it wasn't hanging on the door!" He had thought I said, "flashlight!" Candid Camera, here we come!

Life, especially marriage, is full of mistakes, misunderstandings and imperfections, but the Bible tells us in I Peter 3:8, "Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous."

This follows the injunction to husbands and wives at the beginning of the chapter, ending with the charge in verse 7, "Likewise ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered." Now that's the photo you want to keep!

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