Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Heartthoughts: Awesome and Amazing!

"Look, Howard," I said as I glimpsed a display in Walmart, "Maddie would like these!" It was a rack of a novelty item by Nestle's Quik--eyeglass frames made from flexible drinking straws that looped around the ears before ending in the glass of chocolate milk.

We walked on, and their Pa Pa said, "Why don't you get it, then?" I went back and got one for Maddie and her big sister. We had just come from their house last week, and I was missing my granddaughters. After a couple of days I got them mailed, and today I see a message on Facebook from our son that was a video of the girls unwrapping the package!

6-year-old Anne-Marie tentatively attempts to open the mailing envelope, and Maddie,4, appears with some blunt scissors to facilitate the job. Soon they are puzzling at the contents, then smiling as they figure out what the gadgets are. "Tell Mimi 'Thank You,'" their father prompts them. They do, then Maddie holds her palm up to the camera and says, "Wait! Don't turn it off yet! I want to say something!" Then she says, "These are awesome and amazing!"

I laughed when I realized what she said, and I laughed harder when I saw the next video of them drinking from the straws. Maddie looked like the little red-haired, bespectacled girl from Dennis the Menace, and one side of Anne-Marie's glasses slipped comically down as the liquid climbed and circulated around their eyes and over their ears. It was funny! It was almost as good as being there. Such a little gesture that gave me (and them) so much pleasure.

Our son Greg had knee surgery yesterday, and our daughter-in-law asked me if I would come over and make a sandwich for his lunch today. Of course I would! I decided to make some soup, though, from a chicken I had baked. With celery, onions, carrots and rice, the scanty chicken turned into a delicious soup, plenty for his lunch with a sandwich and a piece of cake. Howard had a bowl of it, too, then seconds. I was not hungry then, and after our visit I took the pot home to wash it.

Hungry by this time, I decided to warm the tiny bit of soup in the bottom of the pot that was mostly dry and bare. It made almost a small bowlful for me, to which I added a PBJ sandwich. At one point I looked at my bowl and laughed. Howard came in and asked what I was laughing about. "I think God has multiplied this soup!" I said. I had eaten and was full, and there was still plenty of soup in the bowl! I really couldn't have eaten the rest of it, but it was so good, I did! Was God blessing me for looking after my son?

I had more opportunity to serve family when the local grandchildren came over after school. I fixed their requested Ramen noodles, made popcorn and gave them cookies. Later, I nudged them away from TV cartoons and sat with them on the porch while they played restaurant with my
decorative fruit baskets and school with Pa Pa's yellow legal pad and markers. Being a mom and a Mimi is awesome and amazing!

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