Sunday, August 4, 2013

Heartthoughts: The Voice of Approval

"Most men don't like their mother-in-law, but I had the best mother-in-law in the world," a visitor, the former pastor of a member, said when asked to share a few words at church this morning. He elaborated by saying he knew nothing about God until he married into that family, and his mother-in-law led him to the Lord, then became his spiritual mentor.

It reminded me of how much my husband loved my mother, even though at church one day after she had visited for a couple of weeks he said from the pulpit, "My mother-in-law just went home, and I'm so happy!" It only came out wrong, because he meant to say how happy he was that she had come, but that didn't stop the titter of laughter!

What they had in common (besides me) was their love for the Lord! When we visited them, breakfast went on forever as her well-worn Bible invariably came out and they preached to each other, joyfully sharing truths and discoveries from God's Word. I'm afraid I was always wanting to get to the family news, hearing them talk and getting a word in edgewise sometimes.

Another visitor who has been at church a couple of times (although many knew her from when she previously attended there) is obviously very spiritual and dedicated to God. "She reminds me of Mama," I whispered to Howard during service the other night when her praises kept bubbling over in weeping and prayer during her testimony to God's goodness.

"Me, too," he nodded. Talking about it on the way home, we agreed it was not just her red hair and stooped posture like my dear mother as she grew older, but it was for the same tenderness and sensitivity to His Spirit.

Howard had given a prayer request this morning concerning the need for revival in our churches. As we were leaving, this same lady stopped him and said, "I just want to tell you, that you have a very professional voice. You need to use it professionally!" I told her that he is a preacher and has done radio in the past. She agreed with me that he needs to do that even more!

We have been praying for God to open an avenue of ministry for my husband. Maybe this word of wisdom from a stranger is the nudge he needs to actively seek out an opportunity! After all, how can he resist a message from a saintly look-alike of my mother?

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