Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Treasuring the Treasure of You

 Treasuring the Treasure of You

Howard looked like a master violin maker as he painstakingly worked to put the old violin back together. He'd had it since he was a child and had taken an interest in it lately. He had taken it from a hook on the wall and had spent the last few days hunting down accoutrements: polishing oil, a small piece of wood known as a "nut" to go under the strings , a new bridge, strings, and other necessities.
"When did you learn to do that?" I asked, seeing a side to him that was unfamiliar to me. He told me he had learned it growing up when he'd played the violin, accompanying his dad, who played the guitar as they performed for family and friends.
God had given my husband many gifts, the love of music being a major one. He has passed it along to our sons, and all four of them play the guitar or other instruments.
Howard was given a wonderful speaking voice which is a perfect complement to his love of the Bible and the sharing of it in ministry. Few eyes in the congregation stray when he preached sermons, liberally laced with gripping stories and illustrations, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Stories were another of his gifts, an unlimited repertoire and an indefatigable memory, drawing from his years of public relations in work and ministry.
That my husband was a people person filled with compassion was demonstrated when he noticed a man coming out of a store walking along bent over nearly doubled, as was the woman, the "daughter of Abraham" that Jesus healed in Luke 13:13.
Howard approached him in a friendly way, draped his arm around his shoulder and prayed for his healing. The man smiled a "thank you," as we went on our way. He may not have been a master violinist, but when he reached out to that man, Howard definitely had the Master's touch.

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