Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Heartthoughts:Unexpected Encounter

"Is that your van out there?" a stranger asked as he approached our lunch table today. He seemed overly loud and intrusive as he stuck out his hand and asked our names. He went on to say that the van belonged to him!
 "I know every bump and curve on that van," he went on, "That's my van! My sister gave it to me two years ago!"

Obviously the man was disturbed, although we didn't detect it at first.  "Do you have the title on it?" he demanded about our vehicle. By this time, Howard was getting irritated. After several improbable stories that didn't make sense, Howard waved him off.

Since the guy had threatened to take our transportation, Howard called the police. We  were a little concerned that he might have explosive behavior and were getting uneasy.

Thankfully, the officers finally arrived, and began questioning  the man, who was loitering in the fast food restaurant. We were only too happy to get out of there, so  we don't know the outcome, but he was probably arrested.

It is sad that so many in our population are victims of drug and/or alcohol abuse and often wander aimlessly or dangerously through life. Christian efforts to reach out to them may be futile, but we can always pray!

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