Saturday, May 11, 2019

Pig Out!

No, not that kind. Our pig got out! It wandered into one part of the corral leading to the pig-pen, but the gate was shut! With everything fenced in, my wanna-be-farmer husband could not reach over to open the gate. He was standing on a couple of railroad ties beside the fence, trying to maneuver a length of chain into position to pull the heavy, pipe gate open.

What could I do, but climb up and try to assist him? He got back into the adjoining pen, attempting to pull the gate open so the rooting pig  would go in. I was dispatched to get a scoop of corn to scatter within the pig's reach to lure her toward the gate which was slightly ajar.  Hopefully, the grunting porcine would root into the gate with her big snout and push it open. Didn't happen.

The only solution was for Howard to get on his riding lawn mower, which he uses to navigate around the farm, unlock the pasture gate at the top of the hill, drive down and herd Miss Oscar Meyer through the gate. Meanwhile, I kept enticing her by sprinkling corn in the pen to attract her, which her sister pig was greedily eating!

It worked! They were safely enclosed again and we breathed a sigh of relief. Now we were relaxed enough to look at hubby's garden effort and notice that the potatoes were coming up. I was worried that he had planted them too deep, but the  distinctive leaves were bent on pushing through the soil and the thatch that came from the chicken yard.  Looks like before long, we'll be the ones to "pig out" on new potatoes!

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