Thursday, August 16, 2018

When You Least Expect It...

"Have you ever had a blessing from an unexpected source?" I was teaching a Sunday School class recently, and this question was posed by the lesson. Immediately my husband's hand went up.

"I have!" he exclaimed. "I was making a purchase at a store, and they were having trouble with their card machine. Over and over, I inserted my card, finally giving up, as the line behind me grew longer."

"I don't have any cash," I said, ready to put back the merchandise I really needed. "Just then the man behind me thrust bills into my hand to cover the tab!"

Actually, I had gone into the store first and experienced the malfunction, returning to the car with nothing but an explanation and sending Howard into the store. "Did the machine work?" I asked, and he told me the story!

Other people in the class told of their unexpected blessings, and I reminded Howard, "What about the cane?"

"Oh yes," he said. "We were on a trip to Texas, and I had forgotten my cane. Going into a Cracker Barrel, I asked a friendly hostess if they sold canes. She shook her head and said they didn't carry them. Then after lunch, she brought me a nice cane!"

"Oh, you found one!" I exclaimed, "How much is it?"

"It's yours!" she replied. Maybe a traveler had left it there, but it was a blessing that I have enjoyed ever since!"

The original question was related to the blessing the Jews received following their Babylonian captivity from those such as King Cyrus, Zerubbabel and others who helped them return to the land of Israel.

Watch for your unexpected blessings!

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