Monday, August 20, 2018

Barnyard Observations

Howard invited a friend out to see one of our new baby goats the other day. Their common interest is goats, one in which this guy is very knowledgeable. He gave my husband several helpful tips about them, and when he saw one of the goats licking Howard's arm, he said, "That means they need salt."

Well, we knew that cows liked to lick salt, but we hadn't thought about it for goats. The next day found us in the farm supply store looking for blocks of salt. We were also advised to get mineral salt too. Who knew?

In the store, we were directed where to find them, and we were surprised that they weighed 50 pounds apiece! Since Howard's heart surgery, we try to be a little more careful with lifting, so a strong, young employee loaded them, and we got help unloading them at home.

Sure enough, the goats loved them, and it was reassuring to know they were getting the minerals they needed as well.

I was reminded of a verse in the Bible in which Jesus says, "Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt has lost his savour, werewith shall it be salted? It is henceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under the foot of men," Matthew 5:13.

We know that salt is essential to our bodies: it maintains fluid levels, affects our vital organs and prevents low blood pressure, among other benefits. I read that animals will eat dirt, chew on rocks or drink urine if they are deprived of salt.

By maintaining our Christian "saltiness," we may affect the lost who eat the dirty filthiness of the world, futilely feeding on "rocks," or drinking alcohol and using drugs. But if we have lost our savour, our effectiveness, Jesus said that then we are useless and discarded, trodden down by men. It reminded me of the salt that is put on roads during bad weather. Soon it is slush and mud.

"Please pass the salt," is a request at many tables. It adds flavor to the food. May we sprinkle savour from the way we live our lives for Him!

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