Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Heartthoughts: Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness!

What a gorgeous morning the Lord has given us today! Especially beautiful after grey, cold weather of late! I was thinking about how we are to worship God and appreciate all his goodness to us. I find myself frequently exclaiming words like, "Look how pretty the purple flowers are on the lawns!" Or, when I see the blue, blue sky with floating white clouds above in the panorama of God's creation, I can't help but call attention to the sight.

I think giving God glory and expressing thankfulness for the wonders of His world is one way to worship Him. And the wondrous thing about it is that beauty has been scattered to places where people rarely if ever see it, as recorded by explorers and adventurers who capture images that make us marvel. It's as if our Creator made all the infinite flowers, plants, trees and exotic animals for Himself to enjoy, or to favor mankind with the joy of discovery!

Surely the reason we love beauty is that there is beauty in heaven! The Bible say, "He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts," Ecclesiastes 3:11.

We love to see our homes orderly and with touches of beauty. Seeing a painting, a vase of flowers, a graceful lamp, a beautiful rug or tapestry may instill peace and relaxation in us after a long day.

The beauty of babies and children warm our hearts with their adorable faces and their innocent, trusting demeanor. The Bible says in Matthew 18:10 that their angels always behold the face of the Father in heaven. Puppies, kittens, and baby things of all creation melt us with their perfection and adorable factor. (I once read that a baby's only defense is his voice and cuteness!)

May we praise and worship God for these and many other things he has in His love provided for us!

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