Monday, July 29, 2013

Still Under Construction

Recently I thought my smile needed a little brightening, so I splurged and bought a kit of whitening strips. Laying my purchases on the dining room table and pulling out the little blue box, I intended to use the kit first thing in the morning. The afternoon passed, and I saw the blue kit each time I passed through the dining room. The next morning, it was not there!

"Did you move the blue box from the table?" I asked my husband, after checking the bathroom. He said he had not moved it. But after a fruitless search, I couldn't help thinking my neatnik husband threw it away when he was discarding the plastic bag.

Well, the trash had not been emptied, so I ruffled through it, then he took it outside and examined every scrap. I still have not found my purchase a week later.

Last night was the Sunday Night Sing at our church, and I went to get a paper with words I had composed to lengthen a short song we wanted to sing. I had run on to the sheet numerous times during the past month either in the desk drawer or in a letter holder on the desk top, but now I could not find it. Of course, I must assume it got thrown away!

We had stopped by our son's house Saturday, finding them at home on a relaxed morning lounging with their kids in their comfortable living room. The kids had changed their rooms around, and I asked to see them. The first thing I noticed was their bureaus. Sheets of paper with the words, "Socks," "Shirts," "Pajamas" etc., printed on them were attached to the drawers. Evidently, the girls were getting practical lessons in organizing.

I realize God wants us to be organized, since His creation is organized so beautifully. One degree of variation could send us into chaos. Which is what I experience around here if I'm not on top of things, and organizing is not my strength!

God even organizes experiences for our benefit. When I got to church yesterday, I saw a member sitting in front of us I hadn't seen for some time, one of those otherwise sweet people who always brings out my worst! The song leader began a song, and I remembered when I had first heard it--the last time this lady was here months ago! God had used it to make me think then and again now! The words were, "Jesus on the inside, working on the outside, Oh what a change in my life!"

Well, we are taking her to lunch on Thursday, so that is a positive step. Now to work on my organizational skillls!

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