Wednesday, February 19, 2020

T for Trevor

What a blessing and great time we had when our son, Trevor, came from Texas for a few days'  visit with us and his sister Julie's family in Tennessee! Squeals of delight echoed as Uncle Trevor tickled and rough-housed with the little ones, our great-grandchildren. The granddaughters had prepared a wonderful meal for all, over which conversation and laughter ruled, followed by guitar-pickin', singing. and a ukulele performance by the teenage daughter in the family.

The next day, Trevor was introduced to the historic district of Jonesborough, the oldest town in Tennessee, where, after a pharmacy visit for Howard, we met up with Julie's family for lunch in our favorite eatery, Main St. Cafe. By then, the sun had come out, perfect for a foray into the mountains, courtesy of our driver, son-in-law Steve.

As always, the scenery was breath-taking the higher we went, wending our way to steep elevations of  mountain crags and thick forests, trees standing tall and denuded of leaves except for the evergreens and pines. Back into civilization, sights were pointed out, especially the imposing church where Julie and Steve had served so many years, teaching, preaching and serving the needs of the community.

We were especially excited the next day to introduce Trevor to  "The Birthplace of Country Music" in Bristol, Tennessee/Virginia. After spending an impressive few hours in the Smithsonian Affiliate Museum, we had a great lunch at a unique restaurant called "Quaker Steak and Lube," followed by donuts and coffee at the "Black Bird Bakery," all recommended to us by granddaughter Bethany.

Today was Trevor's last few hours with us before catching a plane back to Dallas. But first, he took us to a wonderful breakfast at Cracker Barrel, where Howard bought me a beautiful wall plaque of the song, Amazing Grace, with every verse written on the staff. Now, every time I look at it, I will be reminded of our son's sweet visit here!

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