Friday, February 7, 2020

Holy Grounds

Oh, no! Our Keurig quit working! My husband broke the news to me this morning, since he arose early to make coffee. It was a Christmas gift that we had enjoyed only a little over a month! He has gone today to return it and see if the store makes it good. I won't hold my breath, though.

Feeling a little under the weather, I didn't go out into the snow with him  to town.  Actually, I am making oatmeal cookies to pass the time. We were so surprised to wake up to snow this morning! It is not much, but enough to make my granddaughters unable to exit the store lot due to the car's slipping and sliding.The hero of the family with a 4-wheel drive vehicle went to rescue them!

I noticed on a Facebook post from this date last year that I announced one word: "SNOW!" So history repeats itself! That was in Oklahoma, but now we are in Tennessee. All day, I thought today was Saturday. When my son from Texas called from his car to chat, I asked who was with the children. "They are at school!" he exclaimed.  So I won't be going to church tomorrow, after all!

I took a notion recently to share Howard's videos, made over four years ago before he had heart surgery. It was easy enough to pull up the few he made following his recovery, but for some reason, I could not locate the others on the internet! My computer-savvy granddaughter, Mackenzie, searched and searched for them, but to no avail.  I was determined to solve the mystery, but giving up in frustration,  I let it go.

Then, Eureka! Adam! My grandson in Oklahoma could find them if anyone could! I contacted him, and with a few manipulations of genius, there they were! I couldn't believe it, thinking they were lost for good! Now I am enjoying them again and sharing with those who might not have seen them. In them, Howard plays the guitar, gives scripture, and shares a song. I especially like the ones where he incorporates a story, or a testimony of God's goodness.

As the "producer," and videographer, it was my job to help select the songs, keep his dapper appearance, make sure the words were printed in large letters, and hold the "camera" steady. It was a great combined endeavor that we enjoyed very much. Now I feel like having a cup of coffee when hopefully Howard gets home with a new appliance to enjoy an oatmeal cookie with me!

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