Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Gift

When I get sleepy, it  may feel like sand is in my eyes. I might say, "I'm going  to see the sandman," and go to bed.  Well now, I have a legitimate excuse for that. But let me back up a minute. It seems that during a phone conversation with our son in Oklahoma, Howard mentioned it being cold here in Tennessee, even getting cold at night (maybe because I pull the covers!)

Son Greg said he has a blanket made of sand that keeps him warm as toast! Then he said he was going to send us one, and we would never be cold again! Sure enough, yesterday a postal  truck drove up, and carrying a box to our door, the delivery man said as he handed it to me, "It's got some weight to it!"  Sure enough, when we opened the box I saw a folded blanket covered in small, stitched squares. The label said the "blanket" weighed 15 pounds!

I spread it on the bed, tried it out, and was surprised that it was quite comfortable, the weight distributed evenly and in place. So tonight I plan to sleep as warm and cozy as a bug in a rug (with no sand in my eyes).

A few nights ago, my husband was seemingly too sleepy and lethargic, even losing his balance and landing on the floor. A trip to the emergency room revealed that his sugar was too high, other tests were run, and medication brought everything under control. While he was waiting for results, warm blankets kept him comfortable on the hospital bed.  As the hours passed, a warm blanket was brought to me, too, and nothing felt so delicious.

When my siblings and I were growing up, Mama put lots of covers on our beds, from quilts she had pieced and quilted, often out of heavy material such as denim and work clothes.  Sometimes it felt like I couldn't move under their weight, which reminds me of the sand blanket I will sleep under tonight. Maybe I will dream of those long ago nights, warmed by the care of a loving, resourceful mother, who never would have thought of sand blankets!

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