Saturday, November 2, 2019

Thank God for Doctors!

My husband had an appointment with the eye doctor yesterday. He was following up on the ophthalmologist's recommendation of an eye exam and procedure to correct inflammation and vision problems, especially in his right eye.

I waited with him as the technician tested his vision by identifying letters on a screen, then filling out paper work before we were escorted to the doctor's preparation room next door. Howard was briefed on required consent to have his eye medicated and injected with a scary needle to hopefully help him see better.

The first part of the procedure was having pictures taken of his eyes, which were enlarged to show the location of the damage. Later, we were shown magnified images of areas of concern, of which two were small aneurysms, really only pin-points, but visible when enlarged.

First they numbed his eye, then the doctor came in and explained everything to him and was soon injecting the required liquid into the corner of his right eye. Howard didn't feel anything, but the medication would shrink the aneurysms, lowering the possibility of rupture.

Everything lasted only a few minutes, it seemed, and soon Howard was thanking the team and doctor for their expertise and quick procedure. "There is God in you!" my relieved spouse exclaimed.  The doctor said, "I preach in here every day!"

"He's a retired pastor," I said of Howard, to which the doctor said, "I should have said that about him!"

A helpful intern tidied up and walked us down the hall, chatting amiably with us in his distinctive voice. He said he  was from New Jersey, prompting me to say that I knew he was not from Tennessee.

"My husband has a radio voice," I commented, to which he said, "I noticed that. Have you done radio?" he asked Howard.

"Yes," my spouse replied, "I had a radio program in Bristol, VA, and one in Gulfport, Mississippi."

We finished our day by eating lunch out and buying groceries. He was ready for the prescribed eye-drops when we got home, thankful for all that had transpired that day!

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