Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Day in the Life

"Howard, that looks like snow on the window!" I said as I woke up yesterday morning.  Then I opened the door and looked out at a white landscape with flurries blowing and whirling all over!

Snow! The first one of the season! Thankfully we got out the day before and really stocked up on groceries! (The first time I remember spending over $100 on groceries! Supermarkets here in Tennessee are higher than in Oklahoma!)

Having been under the weather the day before, even missing church, it felt good to be out and about. We were trying to find a place to eat lunch in a somewhat unfamiliar area, and I thought I spotted one, but when I went in I found carpenters busy with remodeling.

Next was a pizza place, but I found it was not an eat-in place. Finally we resorted to our destination, the food store. Veterans at the door were handing out poppies, since it was Veterans day. We remembered that there was a restaurant inside, and began to select a great lunch from their selection.

"Are you a veteran?" Howard was asked, to which he said he was. "Your meal is free!" the attendant announced. How nice, I thought.  We went on to shop, up and down aisles, which were a little unfamiliar.

Finally, our cart was full, and as we were approaching the register, I said in alarm, "My purse! Where is my purse!" Frantically I pushed items aside in our cart, but it was not there! I didn't know if I left it in the restaurant area, or in the ladies' room, or if it was stolen in an unguarded moment! With a sick feeling I approached the manager's office, elevated in her position at the window.

"I think I lost my purse!" I exclaimed to her.

"What color is it?" she asked me.  For a minute, I couldn't think, but I said "beige." Really it is a light, yellowish color with gold trim.

"Here you go," she said nonchalantly, handing me my purse! Praise the Lord! I had been so alarmed!

Thankfully we had all those groceries for our home-bound snow day! I made the best stew and corn bread, delicious on a cold day. All's well that ends well, and now the snow is melted on a beautiful day. We are invited out to eat and then to church with sweet grandkids!

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