Saturday, November 23, 2019

Lost and Found

"I can't find my cane!" Howard announced.  We searched high and low, but it was no where to be found. This wasn't the first one that had disappeared, and we were puzzled.

"Maybe you left it at Walmart," I ventured. "Why don't you call and see if it was found there."

He made the call, asking for Lost and Found, and my worried husband described the cane. "It is a wooden, highly polished cane," he explained. Truth be told, we had been missing his other cane, too, and it fit the description of one they had.

Sure enough, when we got to Customer Service, his favorite cane was found, but the attendant did not find the other one. We were so thankful that we had thought to call and locate this valued necessity! Considering the size of this super store and its many customers, it felt like a miracle that we retrieved  the cane!

I couldn't help but think of the story in Matthew and Luke about the lost sheep, and the shepherd leaving the ninety and nine to rescue one sheep. I can just imagine the shepherd using the crook of his staff to perhaps lift the sheep from a ravine.

We have a "Story Stick" that was given to us by a minister many years ago. It's a heavy, wooden walking cane with carved images depicting Bible scenes covering the length of the cane in bas-relief.  A bearded figure at the top must be Moses, under which are carvings of Noah's Ark, shocks of wheat, a harp, an empty tomb, a cross, a church, and other things, including a book-like shape which could represent the Ten Commandments, the Bible or the book of life.

When one of our granddaughters was little, she asked about the book, and I told her that names of people who loved the Lord were written in the book.

"Is my name there?" she asked. I led her in a simple prayer of salvation, which she repeated. Then I assured her that her name was written there. God's staff was there to redeem one of His little ones!

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