Thursday, October 31, 2019

Small World

"I heard there was someone who used to live in New Orleans who works here," my husband said to the hospital technician after his check up this morning.

"Oh, yes," the helpful specialist replied. "I'll show you to her office down the hall."

Ever since he heard that someone from New Orleans worked there, Howard had been obsessed with the idea of meeting a person from the city where he had worked for twenty years.  Each time we were at the doctor's office, he had inquired about this individual. I couldn't understand his obsession with this, but he was relentless.

"There she is," our guide directed us, pointing to the open office door, "but she is on the phone." I suggested we go on, but just then she hung up the phone.

"Are you from New Orleans?" my determined spouse asked the lady behind the desk, the hospital administrator.  Sure enough, she was, and an animated conversation ensued.  She explained that she had come here for a camping trip several years ago, fell in love with the area, and eventually her parents and other family members moved here.

Howard mentioned that we had gone to church there in Lakeview Church which is in Metairie.

"You mean Lakeview Christian Center?" she exclaimed. That was her church, but we had moved by then. Turns out she knew our beloved pastor, the late Alan Poldson, and many other church friends we remembered from the years we had spent there.

All that led to Howard's business experiences in New Orleans.  Our new acquaintance  even remembered the radio jingle advertising their business. I laughed when she sang out the ditty, "You can call me Ray, You can call me Hey, but call us at 822-0118!"

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