Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Heart Thoughts

There are many adjustments to relocating, including searching out new doctors, especially for Howard who has to have regular check ups since his heart surgery a few years ago.  Last week we  met with a cardiologist, and today we went to the office of a general practitioner.

A nurse practitioner was on duty, and we found her to be efficient and personable. At one point in amiable conversation, she mentioned that her daughter was in the process of choosing a college, and was considering Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee. They had visited there and found the recruiter there to be very helpful.

"Our granddaughter works there as a recruiter!" my husband announced. "Her name is Corrin," he exclaimed to the practitioner.

"Well this young lady's name was Laura," she went on. "She was so helpful and beautiful."  She went on to talk of her long, black hair, her tiny waist, knowledgeable information and her soft, cultured voice. 

"That's Corrin!" we assured her. "Her name is Laura Corrin! She graduated this summer and has been  working in Chicago for a week in recruiting!"

"She's a recruiter?" the friendly lady questioned in surprise.  When we assured her that was our granddaughter, she was pleased and astounded that this coincidence had taken place!

Later, we went to pick up an item from the pharmacy at Walmart, and as we were checking out, we found that the checker was from Oklahoma!

"Where in Oklahoma?" I asked, to which he surprised me by saying, "Ponca City."

Ponca City! Where we had just moved from! Soon he and Howard were engrossed in conversation of shared familiar places and people.

Another coincidence? No, we believe it was God who orchestrated our movements today.

Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

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