Thursday, October 24, 2019


Early this summer, my husband and I attended the annual "Herb Festival," in Ponca City, Oklahoma. It is probably the biggest outdoor festival of  the area, and not only has plants and herbs, (thus the name), it is a huge display of crafts, homemade jelly, yard ornaments, outdoor furniture and any number of vendors with their goods.

We usually go just to stroll the walkways, enjoy the outing and perhaps meet friends and neighbors. I have bought many hanging ferns in the past, but nothing particularly spoke to me this time, until a cosmetic item caught my eye.  Some young women had a booth where they were featuring a unique product for finger nails!

I was interested, because I knew a granddaughter  in Tennessee had been marketing this novel article and had great results for her customers.  I decided to try it. I took the packet home, but wasn't sure I could properly apply the nails (of real nail polish), so I put the item, still in the bag, aside.

Who knew that by the end of August I would be moving to Tennessee?  I showed said granddaughter  the packet, and she agreed to help me apply the nails. By this time it was late October, and another of my granddaughters was getting married. Her wedding was the perfect time for my nails to look their best.

I was amazed! It worked! She almost effortlessly applied the nail strips, carefully molding them to my nails.  Although I was assured water wouldn't hurt them, I used protective gloves washing dishes that night. By the next morning, there was nothing for it but to get them wet in use, since we had to get ready for the trip to the wedding venue that day.

Visiting with other wedding goers that afternoon as we waited for pictures to be taken, and enjoying the parade of beautiful bridesmaids and handsome groomsmen, I couldn't help noticing the hands of my neighbor sitting nearby. She had the same nail-do I had! Even the shade of color was the same! (And she was quite a distinguished looking lady!)

The wedding was gorgeous, and seeing loved ones made every thing perfect. It has been almost a week since then, the couple are on their honeymoon, and my nails are still on! I guess you could say I nailed it!

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