Friday, April 12, 2019

The Get-Away

"We are  about to cross the Brazos River," came the voice of the train's conductor as we traveled to Texas last week. "Brazos is Spanish for "arms," short for "Los Brazos  de Dois" or "the arms of God." Legend has it that when early explorers were about to die of thirst, they were pointed to this river from which water saved their lives.

A few years ago, we were in North Carolina on vacation where we visited a picturesque, small hamlet  called Valle Crucis. The area was named by a priest in the 1800s when he noticed two streams that crossed in a valley, forming a cross. Thus the name, Valle Crucis, the valley of the cross.

I love the place names and learning their history, as I loved most everything about this trip, especially seeing Tammy and Benjamin's family. The kids were so sweet and thoughtful, including studious, 10-year-old Maddie, of the glorious red hair, who always gave us a hug before and after school, and sweet, helpful, Anne-Marie!

I had collected small gifts to bring to them, and after they opened and admired them, Isaac, 5, disappeared. Shortly he came in with an assortment of odd-shaped containers, from decorative wooden boxes to tiny paper packets. Concealed in each of them was a miniature candy cane for all of us!

I miss them already, from their father's gourmet cooking on his Spring break,  to going to church, and the happy conversation and laughter at the table. Thank you, Jamie and Tammy for a wonderful week! Our safe, enjoyable trip home felt definitely from the arms of God!

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