Wednesday, April 10, 2019


What is that ethereal music I hear? I asked myself, as I lay on the sofa at our son's house  where we are visiting. Over the chatter of the program our 5-year-old grandson, Isaac, had on his ipad, and the noise of the TV from the bedroom  where my husband was watching the inspirational channel came indefinable strains of  sweet-sounding harmony that drifted into my half-asleep nap.

When I asked the source of the delightful sound, our son and host, Benjamin, replied nonchalantly, "That's Anne-Marie practicing her cello."

What? I knew our 12-year-old granddaughter had signed up for a cello in school last fall, but then it was little more than squeaks and squawks!  I hurried up to her room and found the little future maestro expertly drawing the bow across the strings as she studied the sheet in front of her. (She also played a ditty on the keyboard for me.)

How fast kids grow up! She has turned from a quiet, somewhat introverted child into a smiling, confident young lady, all willowy and graceful with long blonde locks shimmering around her shoulders. She was our guide at their church Sunday, ushering us into the right class and activity while the first service was under way.

It has been such a rewarding week, the highlight of which was hearing Benjamin's (Jamie's) sermon on Sunday. He had kept it a secret that he was going to speak, and we were so proud and touched by the message he brought forth. Every day has been full, from outings, shopping, and keeping Isaac entertained.

A surprise picnic yesterday pulled out of bags at a lovely park where we fed the friendly squirrels was such a pleasant time, followed by a train ride filled with young and old. All this was preceded by a morning  at  Houston's Museum of Fine Arts where we were treated to a travel display of the works of Vincent van Gogh. It was so fascinating I bought a book of his history and art.

We go home tomorrow, on a real train, luggage full and full of happy memories of this amazing week!

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