Friday, January 2, 2015

Men Ought Always to Pray

"I hope you don't mind," I heard from a neighboring booth at a restaurant. Looking up, I saw a woman was talking to me. "I included myself in that prayer," she smiled.

When our waitress had brought our order, she asked, "Is there anything else I can do for you?" to which my husband surprised me by saying, "Yes, would you ask the blessing over our meal?"

The friendly waitress said she'd be glad to! And she prayed a beautiful, eloquent--even anointed--prayer! Not only did she ask God to bless the food, she asked him to bless the cooks and other diners, and thanked Him for a new year, closing in the precious name of our Lord Jesus! No wonder the other diner wanted to be a part of the prayer! Of course it was alright!

How refreshing to know that there are believers and hungry people (not only for food) all around us who believe in prayer. God is such a prayer-answering God! Recently I had felt confused and frustrated over a situation. I had responded to something recommended on the internet and signed up for a product.

As soon as my order was complete, information came on that I was placed on a waiting list, and the only way to get off the waiting list was to advertise the product on my Facebook page and solicit orders from friends!

What an awkward predicament! I felt used and tricked! The e-mails I received from the company seemed irrelevant when I questioned this, as though they were standard form responses. I lay awake worrying and pondering what to do and couldn't go to sleep that night. Finally, I turned it over to God and fell into a peaceful slumber.

The next morning I opened my e-mail to read,"Your order has been cancelled." Praise the Lord! I had not requested that, only inquiring about the cancellation process! But I felt so relieved that God had taken care of it in the night. Looking at the date, though, I saw the e-mail was sent before I had prayed!

I thought of the scripture in Isaiah 65:24 that says, "And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear."

I had been concerned about traveling plans one of our sons had for this week, since bad weather was predicted. His father and I prayed many prayers of protection for him and his family. This morning I was startled to learn they had narrowly averted what could have been a horrendous accident. Our son said he was trying to make sense of red and yellow lights he saw ahead on the two-lane road they were traveling, when suddenly he came upon a tanker truck stretched across the road, evidently trying to turn around. He managed to brake hard and quickly from his 65 mph speed. Thank God, they were safe! I've no doubt God sent His angels to guard them! God answers prayer!

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