Thursday, October 23, 2014

With Feeling

"What if there was no everything?" my five-year-old granddaughter questioned. She is at the age where her brain seems to be working overtime trying to figure out the world. Another question to her dad was, "What if you and Mommy had never met, and you saw me, would you know me?"

Maddie is a very passionate little girl with an enthusiastic personality and indomitable spirit. (Could her red hair have anything to do with it?) Bursting with the intensity of her feelings, she has been known to hit her older sister, who is amazingly patient and long-suffering about it. Her parents, however, take a dim view of this and think they have put a stop to it. "It's so hard to self-control!" Maddie states.

Our little bundle of energy is busy sorting out life as she sees it, and thankfully, that can be a good thing. The other day she asked why the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles didn't thank God for their pizza.

Visiting with the children on Face Time a few days ago, I asked Maddie if she was looking forward to school (Home School Enrichment) the next day. She told me she was making a cardboard heart to take with her.

"Why are you making a heart?" I prodded, trying to elicit as much conversation out of her as possible before she darted out of view. "It's not Valentine's Day," I teased. I really couldn't get her reply, but my son explained they were on letter "H" that day, and she was taking it for Show and Tell. Of course! "H" is for heart, and Maddie is all heart!

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God," Matthew 5:7 promises. And I Peter 1:22, "Love one another with a pure heart fervently," describes my little granddaughter's approach to life!

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