Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Main Thing Is the Main Thing

Making a purchase with our debit card the other day, Howard was asked to sign an electronic card that popped up at the register in addition to his signature on the bank card. He demurred, saying he had never had to do that before. He asked to cancel the transaction and paid cash for the purchase. We concluded that the clerk had rung up the sale as if on the store credit card. The manager was called and worked feverishly trying to straighten things out.

"I'm sorry this is taking so long," the harried-looking woman said. "I'm a little slow since my accident."

"Were you in an automobile accident?" my husband asked. It turned out that she had fallen from a step-stool at home, chipped a bone on her spine, affecting the nerves in her hand, which she was having trouble using. She had only been back at work a couple of days.

"See, I can only open my hand this wide," she showed us, stretching out her fingers, "but it's more than I could do yesterday." We left the store admiring her dedication to her job, which she said she'd had for 19 years.

The next day at the supermarket, Howard asked an employee where to find a certain product. He came back to me and said, "She could use a course in public relations," referring to her unenthusiastic reply. He was brought up in a grocery store and has always used the utmost courtesy in business.

A little later, this same person checked out our groceries. "Did you hurt your foot?" Howard asked her, noticing her limp.

"No, I was in a car wreck two days ago," she told him. Well, that explained her demeanor! We often forget that those who serve us in their jobs working with the public have lives of their own and problems which they may struggle to keep from showing.

But it is refreshing to see someone who is thoughtful of the customer. The waitress we had at our lunch table recently impressed us with her courteousness and helpful attitude. When we left, Howard commended her to the manager at the cashier counter.

"I would just like to compliment our server today," my husband told him. "She was very cheerful and professional, and we appreciate it," to which her boss said, "Oh, yes, she has been here for 16 years."

"No, this lady said it was her second day on the job!" Howard said, pointing her out. The manager then looked pleased, and obviously took note of that.

The Bible says that whatever we do, we should do as unto the Lord. Colossians 3:23. It also says in Proverbs 20:11, "Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right."

I am reminded of something our son related to me the other day. It seems our 5-year-old granddaughter was watching a video, when she remarked, "Daddy, the Ninja Turtles didn't thank God for their pizza." Even a child...

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