Friday, June 24, 2011

In the Middle of a Miracle

Oh happy day! One that we could only hope in faith believing would come! But now the shadows have been dispelled by the Light of His glorious Goodness and the sun is shining again! Nothing shakes one to the core like learning that a loved one is in danger.

Our young granddaughter had a blemish on her toenail. “Mama, take me to the doctor!” she pestered her mother for a month or more. As a young teen, a perfect appearance meant everything to her. To indulge her daughter over something she felt was superficial, her mom scheduled an appointment.

She was stunned to hear the doctor’s opinion! The nail was removed, and a biopsy taken. Prayers and pleadings went up to God for what might be a dire, life-threatening, situation. Our daughter was told the results would be back in three days, so she was at least thankful for the mercifully brief waiting time.

She heard nothing in three days, nor four, nor five. The answer was always the same. The results are not in yet. Finally, she heard they were doing further testing. Her fears increased. What did this mean? Oh God, we were so desperate, yet not daring to admit the possibility of a negative outcome.

All the family and churches were praying. In the perceived invulnerability of youth, our granddaughter alone did not worry (or at least admit to it). Finally, though, the uncertainty began to wear on her nerves, too. She questioned her mother if she should worry. She was assured all would be well.

Today at last the doctor went over the report. Although he had done hundreds of procedures like this and his considerable experience had given him a wealth of knowledge, he at last had to admit there were no atypical cells in my granddaughter’s biopsy. She was fine! In our opinion, her toe must have become stressed or hurt in strenuous sports activities, although she didn’t recall anything. As a dedicated softball player, who knows how many times she had slid into home plate, or scuffed her toes in the dust of the batter’s mound. Whatever the reason, we give God the glory. If there was something dark and terrible lurking, God had healed it!

Suddenly the trivial worries of every day do not matter so much. However large they loom, they are nothing at all in the grand scheme of things. Our perspective has been renewed, and with it a greater faith in God, the Keeper of the future.

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