Monday, June 27, 2011

Age is a State of Mind

What a way to celebrate my actual birthday! By going to the doctor and having my left leg put in a splint! I had been considering going for sometime, and then today as I talked to my son, Greg, he recommended a doctor who had fixed his carpal tunnel syndrome and it all worked out that I could be seen this afternoon.

After taking x-rays and doing the examination, the doctor said, “You’re tough! I’ve never seen that much swelling in bursae!” Well, I should have gone sooner, I admit, but I was just hoping my knee would get better on its own. I had strained it through over use in climbing stairs a couple of months ago. At least now I know I won’t need surgery, a possibility I was beginning to surmise.

The almost full-length splint is meant to keep my knee immobile, lessening strain and discomfort. I don’t have to wear it at night, though, so I took it off a little while ago, applied some ointment, then walked to the kitchen. Wow! I could really feel those muscles pulling, so it does make a difference, even if I do have to walk like a pirate! I’m to use ice three times a day, too. RICE is the treatment: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. The splint does the compression, I found out.

The doctor had some very strong medicine compounded locally for me; the challenge is that I’m allergic to aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). It will be less likely to cause a reaction since it is applied topically, but when I read that some of the side effects are stroke and heart attack, I was wishing we hadn’t bought it. Think I’ll stick to the BLUE-EMU natural formula cream I have.

The Bible says our days shall be 70 years, and if by strength, 80. Today I turned 72, so I’m in bonus years, now. My older sister is 82, and that gives me hope of longevity. The nurse wanted a list of all my medications, but it wasn’t much of a list. Just allergy meds and Tylenol. I’m blessed with good health, and that’s a bonus. The x-rays showed no sign of arthritis, and that’s a bonus, too. I certainly had a bonus week-end, with out-of-town family visiting, a surprise birthday party, meals at both a fifties diner and a steak house, topped off by taking our guests to church with us, then serving them a home-cooked Sunday dinner. All with a bad knee! Maybe I am tough (for 72)!

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