Thursday, August 1, 2019

Lost Phone!

"Where is it?" I wailed.  I had just come in from the porch and put the phone down. Now when I needed it, it was nowhere to be found! Maybe I put it somewhere else, I reasoned. But after looking high and low, I woke up our grandson and had him dial my number.  Several tries didn't locate the phone!

We had to go out, so I gave up and headed toward the door.  Going back to turn off the kitchen light, I couldn't believe my eyes. There it was, on top the cookie  jar! Evidently, I unwittingly left it there! I examined it and found that the sound was off! How that happened, I don't know! No wonder I couldn't find it!

Not having communication was a strange, empty feeling of being disconnected. Nowadays, we take for granted the ability to be in touch instantly with almost anybody in the world!

I got to thinking that the inability to communicate is inconvenient, but it would be nothing to compare with being out of touch with God, our heavenly Father! Sometimes we may feel as if God is far away, but it is usually because we have not sought Him or have been neglectful of prayer and His Word.

I have been reading my One Year Bible since I bought it at the beginning of the year. I got a little behind, though, when I accidentally left my Bible at the home of our son in Houston. It was a while before he got it in the mail back to me, and I am still catching up, but if I miss a day, I do feel as if something is missing and try to make up for it the next day.

I'm reminded of an old song written when telephones were always in the same place, attached to the wall, called "Royal Telephone."  Some of the lyrics are:  "Central's never busy, always on the line, you can hear from Heaven almost any time."

It is still true! Jesus is waiting for us to contact Him! Being disconnected to Him is so much worse than misplacing a phone with the sound turned off!

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