Sunday, August 4, 2019

Vapor of Smoke

We always enjoy a hearty breakfast, even though it keeps me busy scurrying around the kitchen between microwave, range and fridge. This morning I was pouring coffee and forgot that I had left the toast in too long. Suddenly the room was filled with smoke, sending me opening windows and fanning a dish towel to clear the air.

Still the alarm screeched until we got it turned off. Looking out the window a little later, I saw a huge, red vehicle with ladders on the side in front of our driveway. It backed up, then the FIRE TRUCK pulled into the driveway!  What? A fire truck for burnt toast?  Thankfully, they left when we told them all was well.

What a morning! It left me a little unsettled. Thank God, it wasn't a fire, only smoke. Fire is mentioned many times in the Bible. It even relates an unbridled tongue to fire, as in James 3:5-6:

"Even so, the tongue is a little part of the body and boasts great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles. The tongue is a fire, a world of evil. The tongue is among the parts of the body, defiling the whole body, and setting the  course of nature on fire, and it is set on fire by hell."

Another mention of fire is from Jeremiah 20:9 where he writes: But if I say, "I will not make mention of Him nor speak any more in His name," then His word was in my heart as burning fire shut up in my bones.

This reminded me of an incident recalled in a preacher's sermon. A young girl had gotten saved at his revival meeting and was speaking in tongues as the Holy Spirit gave her utterance. She continued in her heavenly language all the way home from the services. Her father was very disturbed by this, saying "Shut her up!" Her mother locked her in a closet, but it was to no avail,  for it was burning in her bones!

Praise God for the Holy Ghost and Fire!

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