Sunday, August 4, 2019

The Mixer-Upper

"Would you like to get something to drink?" Howard asked as we left the Sunday night prayer meeting.

I thought a minute, then said, "I would like a root beer float." He thought that sounded like a good idea, so we crossed the intersection to come on to the fast-food drive-in.

My husband gave the order over the speaker and waited for a reply. Nothing came, so we drove up to the window. A youth was at the window, and said, "That will be $5.25".  What? For a single root beer float?

The young man seemed confused, but replied that they didn't have any root beer floats.

Then I chimed in to remind them that the sign said they would give root beer floats at no charge to veterans, to which he replied that they had never sold them.

"Then why were you charging me $5.00?" Howard questioned, to which the flustered young man admitted it was the bill for the car behind us.

As we drove away, I saw the marquee, which was emblazoned with the words, TACO BELL. "Oh, that's why they didn't have any, we were at the wrong place!" A&W was next door!

We drove to the speaker at A&W and placed our order. "Now, I'm a veteran, so I get it free!" my thirsty driver said to the attendant.

She took issue with that and told him the price, to which I chimed in, "But the sign says free root beer to veterans!"

"That is for August 6." she informed me.

"But today is the sixth!" I insisted, while she claimed it was August 4.  Well, I wasn't sure, and Howard gave her his card, but she returned it unused, gave him a root beer float and closed the window! She hadn't charged us!

What a comedy of errors! Not only did we go to the wrong place to begin with, then argued about a complimentary treat not due for two more days!  We shared the drink, but somehow it had lost its luster.

Just goes to show you that the blessings received at the church service can disappear if we aren't careful to guard our hearts and know what we are talking about!

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