Monday, July 22, 2019

Sunday Surprise

Saturday night I was very tired and went to bed at 9:00 o'clock. This made me awaken Sunday morning at 5:00 a.m.  Oh well, I thought, "This will give me plenty of time to get ready for church." I went through  my routine, got Howard out of bed, selected my clothes, and, since we would eat breakfast at church, there was nothing else to do.

Then I got an anxious report from my husband who had been getting dressed. "My wallet is gone!" he announced in alarm. He was frantically searching everywhere, then I realized it wasn't his wallet that was missing, but a packet where he kept important cards and his driver's license.

Oh, no! Our lifeline! I thought. Time slipped away as we checked clothing pockets, desks, bureaus and everywhere else we could think of.  Trying to re-trace our steps from the day before, we called the stores and businesses where we had been on Saturday. No one had found any of our cards. Of course, we prayed that the lost  would be found.

Distressed and running late, we missed our Sunday School class, but made it in time for church. Our pastor had just returned from a mission trip and was on fire with his morning message. He invited anyone who had a need to come to the front for prayer.

"I have a need," Howard nudged me. I knew what he meant, and we made our way to the front with dozens of others. All we could do was trust God in our dilemma.

We decided to get lunch in town and called our grandson at home to see if he wanted to eat with us. He agreed, and we headed home to pick him up. I got out of the car to go into the house, when a small brown object on the ground caught my eye.

"Howard! I found it!" I exclaimed jubilantly. It was his packet of cards and driver's license! (We had driven with no license!)

He was beside himself with joy and praises to God!  How could we have missed it!  But of course we had parked at a  slightly different angle which revealed the lost treasure!  We don't know how it got there, but we know Who showed it to us, keeping it safe from wind, doggie nibbles or tire tracks!

Needless to say, we enjoyed a very lighthearted meal with plenty of smiles and thankful hearts. As the song goes, "His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me." Amen!

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