Thursday, April 18, 2013

To a Thousand Generations

I always suspected our 7-month-old great-grandson was a genius, but now I know it!  He called me today!  My phone rang and I recognized my daughter's number.  It stopped ringing before I could get it, so I called her back.  "Did you call?" I asked her.  She laughed and told me her grandbaby was playing with the phone and pushing numbers!  Okay, so it was an accident, but still pretty amazing. 

A week or so ago the phone rang, and I said hello to who I thought would be my son.  There was only silence for a minute, then a bright little voice said, "Hi, Mimi!"  It was my 6-year-old granddaughter, Anne-Marie.  She was calling from the back seat of their mini-van from a phone she had been playing with, when, recognizing "Mom and Dad" on her father's contact list, she called us!  She called again last week, and this time Pa-Pa answered and enjoyed her sparkling conversation.

All joking aside, we do consider little Jaxon, the 7-month-old, a miracle baby.  His mother wasn't expected to carry him and was put on bed rest for what was supposed to  be the duration of the pregnancy.  Then it was discovered he was implanted in a heart-shaped womb!  He grew in one side of it, making the pregnancy an iffy situation, with close monitoring of his progress by the doctor on weekly office visits.

Insufficient amniotic fluid resulted in an at-risk baby, who proved everyone wrong by being a little trooper. By a what could only be called a miracle, a life-threatening condition was detected and treated when he was scheduled to go home from the hospital.  Despite all his obstacles, he is robust, happy and brilliant.  He was waving bye-bye at a couple of  months and is learning new tricks every day to the delight of his family.

God is full of miracles.  Just a couple of weeks ago a member of our congregation had brain surgery.  Three days later, she was back at church!  She was showing off her stitches up the back of her head at the next service!  This woman was always skin and bones, like the  worst anorexic imaginable.  But now the doctors have fixed a congenital abnormality and she is able to eat and is gaining weight!  She said she is blessed to be alive; if circumstances hadn't intervened so that the problem was discovered, she says she would have been dead!  She gives the glory to God!

We had a dramatic answer to prayer in our family last Sunday, and our daughter related to me she had had an amazing answer to an urgent prayer she had prayed.  God is so good!  And our grandchildren are so grand!  Anne-Marie is even studying French!

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