Tuesday, February 5, 2013

We Are There!

An amazing revelation was  published last year and has been on the New York Times best seller list ever since.  Perhaps you've heard of it: The Harbinger, by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn.  We got the book and read it several months ago, but it became much clearer when we watched a video series about it at church.  "Harbinger" means warning, and the author ties pertinent scripture dealing with Israel's unfaithfulness to God and subsequent consequences to our present day America and the difficulties that are coming upon us.

Rabbi Cahn, who is a Christian pastor, gives startling insights into parallels with our nation and ancient Israel based on Isaiah 9:10.  It reads, "The bricks are fallen down, but we will rebuild with hewn stones: the sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars."  He equates "The bricks are fallen down," with 9/11, when the twin towers fell in the terrorist attack.  "The sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars" is reflected by the sycamore that was destroyed when a piece of shrapnel flew from the explosion of the towers and hit it at ground zero.  It was subsequently replaced with a cedar (conifer or evergreen).

The point is that the Israelites didn't repent, rather, they defiantly cried that they would rebuild, just as our leaders proclaimed after the 9/11 attacks, without any real repentance, either from hisoric Israel or the American people and government.  It is ironic that a hewn stone was taken from a mountain in the northern United States and placed as a memorial to start the rebuilding process.

There are numerous other parallels, encompassing the financial collapse of our economy, the instability of the housing market, the Stock Market crash, and many other instances that compare with ancient Israel's troubles.  These are sobering facts.  Rabbi Cahn stresses that a harbinger, or warning, is given for a reason, and implies that if the warning is heeded, such things can be avoided.  In  other words, if America would wake up, repent and give God His rightful place in our nation our country could be saved.

Today we heard an even more up-dated data on these findings, as Jonathan Cahn was interviewed on Pat Robertson's 700 Club.  One thing he said that caught my attention was when he mentioned the One-Year Bible, which is what I read every day.  The study portions are arranged by date, and Rabbi Cahn suggested we turn to the date of September 11.  Isaiah 9:10 is included in that day's reading!  My Bible is dated June 1978 (Revised August 1983)--years before 9/11!  Not only that, but the passage from Psalms for that day speaks of violence and destruction.  The meaning of "violence" in Hebrew is "Hamaas," and "Hamaas" is Arabic for warlike fanaticism!

God's word is relevant yesterday, today, and forever!  Wake up, America!  Oh yes, the tree they planted?  The Tree of Hope?  It is withering.  All efforts to keep it alive are failing.  It's time to pray!

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